Thanks Richydehav, if only I was being paid for volunteering.
Those voluteers shouldn't be ignored when things go badly wrong.
£100M insurance cover is of no use whatsoever if that cover is so restrictive in its conditions of payout.
I could offer any amount of cover but include such wording to ensure it NEVER paid out.
Have a look at the maximum amounts that have ever been paid out on policies and you'll be surprised.
The level of cover isn't reflected in payouts.
Why some people think that because an event or track isn't under the umbrella of a governing body, it is therefore inferior in it's running.
In fact, if you think about it, the Governing body send its representatives to an event with no immediate control over them. Whereas an IKR meeting is executed within its own environment and therefor is in much more control.
IKR tracks are just as mindful of the dangers and risks and have the advantage that they are not shackled by the constraints of rules that are not appropriate to their particular situation.