Just a thought.... Have you primed the fuel pumps?? Blow through your tank's breather to ensure the floats are full. Another way to check for fuel in the floats is simply to loosen the float bowl plug and fuel will seep out if present. If you've only taken the heads off the ignition and cam timing should be unchanged, especially if it was running before doing the valves. Is it trying to fire at all? I would suggest that your problem is most likely to be with the valves - check for some free play when the piston is at the top of it's throw (TDC) and neither rocker is moving. To check this rotate the engine by 360deg so that the piston is at TDC and on this stoke you will see the rockers moving (or look for movement in the push rods. Then go 360 again and check the rockers. There should be slight movement - set them at whatever you have been told to set them (I use about 4 thou exhaust 3 thou inlet). Best of luck - and remember, EXPERIENCE IS A THING YOU USUALLY GET JUST AFTER YOU NEED IT!!!