I agree with a lot that john says. it maybe harsh, but you have to do what you can afford.
Johns figure of 20k is very correct if you add everything up. as my Spend this year will be near 12k at just clubby stuff. i will break it down. this is just off the top of my head on typical cost.
Chassis - Kosmic - £2500-£2800 Tires - Slick - £1600 Tires - Wets - £320 Entrys - rye - £480 (just race days) Entrys - other - £480 (average of rye then 1 other race) Practice - Rye - £600 (if you add in extra days) Practice - other - £480 Engine - rebuild - £1200 (includes top ends and 1 full build) Pod stickers x2 - £160 nose cone- - £40 Data equipment - £650 Travel fuel - £280 kart fuel - £280 Accomidation - £600 new boots - £50 helmet paint - £300 Axle - £110 new rims - £200 broken rim - £100 training - £150 trailior tyres - £150
Tkm festival cost me around £650 just for that one event! and i haven't added this on.
See it soon adds up. when you start racing more than 1 time a month.
Mine is at £11,600 and iv missed out Food, Drink. all the little bits you buy. plus iv been lucky on damage.
So if i needed to do S1 my fuel goes up. and ill have a new chassis half way through the year too. more damage more training more tires
So yes £20K is a good shout.