Adey, by the sound of it you already have an idea of the phone you want, how much extra your willing to pay etc etc. Are you a good customer with orange? I've been with them since their birth and on their system as a 5* or gold customer - i forget their terminology but it means i more or less get whatever i want within reason and thats without asking to be put through to retentions.
I've got the original HTC desire (not the HD)and am being totally biased here when i say go for an HTC, do what you think is fair to get one, i just asked and i got, with no threats of termination so you may suprise yourself.
I got mine on an 18 month contract, dolphin 25 discounted down to £15 pm, 600mins, unlimited texts and 1MB thrown in, oh and the phone for free, chuffed to bits with that deal although that sort of deal is offered more and more now so it might be time to make another phone call.
I'd reccomend going over to android and see what actual owners of the various phones are saying, pick the phone from any of the android range and enter the forum for that particular phone, you will get totally truefull views
If you did chose android and HTC i don't think you'll be disapointed, never had an iphone but from what my mates tell me, who have had iphones and are now android converts then android is much slicker to use and it does all that the iphone does and a bit more but it does it all better. Incidentally IF you did want an iphone then you'll be on a total lock down, everything and i mean EVERYTHING has to come through apple and itunes.
You get android and your free to do as you please, customise your phone to how you want not how apple tell you to have it, but i digress, this isn't an apple vs android thread lol!