well I guess its subjective then and depends where you take your definition from but a combination of wikipedia and dictionary.com has served you well
however in answer to 1: there is no single dictator in the UK, a political party is elected with a leader that forms policy but this has to be ratified by the membership party which in general does not go against the will but on numerous occasions policy has been stopped by the elected party against the leaders wishes 2: there is not that in the UK, the party itself can challenge the leadership and can in-still a vote of no confidence without fear of being murdered. 3: parties are elected in the UK not individuals whether you believe it or not its the case and so the leader of the party becomes the prime minister not the president or dictator. some would argue we have the opposite of all three I would say we don't. ask North Korea, Bhurma, Cambodia about what a dictatorship is, is their rule the same as the UK ? you can present as many cynical arguments as you want and i can counter them and we can go around in circles. and as for the spelling I was just taking the mick out of Aquilla and he well knows it was tongue in cheek but from now on I'll be sure to double check thanks