Insurance is all about risk.
Age of driver Sex of Driver Experience of driver
All of the above you cannot adjust. So this only leaves the car.
It is not just the performance of the vehicle but the security of it. A 106 is a darn sight more likely to be stolen than a 5 series Beemer as the security of the car is better. And tbh the thieving scrotes have probably had a lot more practice @ the 106 and hence are quick to nick it.
I recently got a quote on an L reg 1.4l Civic to use as a winter run around. Car would be bought for £350, insurance company wanted £950 full comp. Thats for a 28 y/o with 4 years no claims, one sp30 from over 3 years ago and a good postcode and I would have to pay out for extra security on the car.
in comparison I now decided to continue with the motorbike all winter. £135 full comp for a 175 mph superbike??? But it does have a top end alarm on it.