OK Ian, say we have it your way and ban the TT, because it's too dangerous in YOUR eyes..... do you really think all the TT riders would go sit at home and watch TV the rest of their lives, and you could live safe in the knowledge that you've done the world a favour? I don't think so.
They would go and find another way to risk their lives, as that is what gives them their thrill. They would do this until you banned ALL the RISKY sports and activities in the world that would give them the same buzz that they got riding the TT.
We ALL have to satisfy our needs, be it for SPEED or endurance, fighting or even for playing golf. We will go out of our way to satisfy those needs, regardless of our own personal safety. Some people are just BUILT like that. Then there are people who are built like you, who seem to think that they know best for these people, and that just because these people have to push the boundaries of speed to satisfy their need, they should be stopped for their own good. Just because you are more risk averse, you believe they should be too.
So all you would have done by banning the TT is move the riders onto something else, possibly something more dangerous. And also ruined the incredible spectacle that is the TT for the spectators.
Ian I suggest you go and watch Nitro Circus... but it would probably give you a heart attack!