Once again you lot in the UK don't know how well off you are. Nearly all forms of speed detection are clearly marked and even mobile units in Day-Glo colours place themselves in reasonably visible positions. It's a pleasure driving in the UK compared to France where it seems the speed detection units have had special forces training.
I've seen radar traps hidden in Bus shelters even a phone box. Unmarked camera cars parked behind road signs and even radar with a scrim net over it. I've seen photos of cameras in rubbish bins and mounts in little pods in the armco.
Speed limits are lowered especially so that cameras can be sited there and more often than not the mobile units are placed in positions where it can be difficult not to speed. Like where a dead straight almost empty motorway goes steeply downhill for example. Legislation is pending to remove all the warning signs from fixed cameras and making it illegal even for database warning systems.
When it comes to getting an automatic fixed ticket, you get a 50% discount if you pay immediately without any argument, but if you make any sort of appeal you must pay the full amount before the appeal is even considered.
If you get given a ticket, you are prosecuted in your absence, found guilty, fined and then you get a letter with the option of appealing. But remember in France a Policeman’s word is irreproachable, you could have 20 independent witnesses who say you didn't do it, but if the policeman says you did even without any corroborating evidence, you are guilty. Actually that's incorrect; you're always guilty, unless you can prove otherwise.
Very soon, even visiting Brits will face this system and any points, which vary from 1 to 6 will be added to your UK licence.