Honda or Elise - 2 cars I could quite happily go thru life NOT owning. 1 increadibly boring and the other is lots of trouble usually serious.
Advice when buying a car for other people is almost impossible - as it all depends on the heart, desire and available £££'s The Honda is an ever day car and the Lotus is your Mechanic best friend.(not withstanding its made of plastic and aluminium - sorry, my head stops there, I've never been able as much as I try, to get over plastic cars maybe its because I've seen the results of accidents, dont forget the dustpan and brush) Se7ens? - You and your passenger should wear a crash hat when driving those dangerous things.
You say......It would definately be a weekend/dry weather/sunny day car.......
Porsche 911 £15,000 - £45,000 or Ferrari F355 start at about £35k
A 911 will never let you feel you made the wrong choice (boxster) - the ferrari you always know you made the right choice. And if you only have boxster budget I think you will feel its probably the best in its class.
My opinion for what its worth - sorry - I know there are so many other opinions.