Um… Ian
My 'logic' is reading true from every angle I look at it! Lewis was WRONG, SELFISH and STUPID to ignore his team and initially impede up Fernando, but he did it on a 'out' lap or 'non timed' lap that did NOT affect Fernandos 'flying' qualifying lap. What Lewis did was childish and he simply should not have done it! Never the less it did NOT impede Fernando's qualifying and thus NOT affect his race (had the officials not intervened) and subsequent championship position. Whilst Fernando's 'payback' (holding Lewis up) did NOT take place during a flying lap, it DID prevent Lewis undertaking his final flying lap. one that DOES (and DID - Fernando pipped him for pole) count towards his race starting position and thus potentially his race.
That is WHY Fernando received a penalty, and Lewis did not!
My apologies being caught out by your mind game ‘moot’. Meaning (having now looked it up, sorry I am an engineer, not an English teacher) having no significance or relevance to an argument. That’s rubbish! By YOUR ‘logic’ Mclaren might as well have packed up and gone home before the season started because (MY argument) Kimi leapfrogged BOTH Lewis AND Fernando for the title! Thus (by your logic) NEITHER Lewis OR Fernando were up to the job in 2007 because ‘THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED’. That makes your argument sound about as ‘moot’ as mine!
Your quite right, the wonderful Fernando did not crumble under pressure from the masterful Schumacher! He ALSO did not have ANY form of rivalry WITHIN his team (the useless Fisichella playing second fiddle), his team mate was ON HIS SIDE! On hand to HELP if necessary. NOT taking points from him. NOT holding him up in the pitlane. NOT demanding No.1 status even though they were BEHIND in the championship. Just imagine if during 2005 and 2006 Fernando had a team mate that was able to not only PUSH him, but BEAT him, take valuable points AWAY from him! Play DIRTY TRICKS on him (and vice versa). Just like they BOTH had from EACH OTHER in 2007. Again this is purely academic but the run in would not have been so rosey in 2005 and 2006 (and it wasn’t rosey to start with!) had this been the case!
Fernando was PERFECTLY capable of winning the championship in 2007 and by that merit SO WAS Lewis (NEITHER actually won, but one of the two SHOULD have won!). They BOTH spent far too much time throwing their toys out of their prams.
At WHAT point did I suggest that Lewis THRASHED Fernando?
To quote myself “They went into the race 1. Lewis, 2. Fernando, 3. Kimi and came out of the race 1. Kimi, 2. Lewis tied with Fernando.”
Tied means equal or I*D*E*N*T*I*C*A*L does it not?
I DID state “It was Lewis LEADING the championship”, in which up until the end of the last race…. He was!
Read more carefully next time!
Jensons experience did not get him through this year! His HUGE points lead from the beginning of the season when he had BY FAR the superior car AND his rivals complete FAILURE to capitalise on his poor second halfs of the season! What’s this? A Brit criticising a British driver? Doesn’t sound like nationalistic bigotry to me! I WAS supporting Jenson and was ELATED when he (finally) wrapped things up in Brazil. But I’m no fool as to see HOW or WHY Jenson was crowned 2009 champion. For Christ’s sake, he ‘fell to pieces’ for almost HALF the SEASON (poor points finishes). How can Lewis falling off the road in the pitlane and having a poor points finish come CLOSE to being a comparison?