'In reality, we will do NOTHING about it and thousands or Millions and possibly even BILLIONS will die..... because of people EXACTLY like you!'
Ha so although the advert may not directly state that we are 'saving the world' by driving less, you believe that that is exactly what we're doing as your clearly stating that you believe in man made global warming and that man made global warming will result in 'BILLIONS' dying? So you poke fun at me for misinterpreting an advert, even though what I misinterpreted it as is EXACTLY what you believe to be the truth!
So to get back to the issue at hand, EVEN though you believe that global warming could wipe out 'BILLIONS' of human beings, you still drive around in a Suburu Ian, wow you must really be a true believer!
You do make me laugh, have you never heard of leading by example?.. surely the RATIONAL thing to do if you were pro man made global warming is to ride/walk/run everywhere rather than drive lots of polluting cars and KARTS!?
Could you please explain to me why I should discuss things with you when your such a gigantic HYPOCRITE??