'I'll reply once you HAVE apologised!'
Ha! Good old Ian, still trying to manipulate discussions! Surely you would rather reply when I have made a counter argument to your claims, rather than when I have apologised... what boring discussions you must have!!
OK Ian lets turn this on it's head, how about you explain why driving 5 miles a day less WILL 'begin to make a difference'?? O wait that's going to be pretty difficult with NO PROOF! For the same reason that I CANNOT prove it, you cannot PROVE it!! So how about explaining the medieval warm period, or why according to some the Carbon increase in the atmosphere lags behind temp increase, or why you won't get rid of your big old CO2 bellowing cars? (Going to bring that up every time you spout your hypocritical GW bs)
The funny thing is that I'm not 100% sure on the whole thing as I don't massively trust either side of the argument, but unlike the majority of the public I like to read up on BOTH sides of the debate and TRY to educate myself to make a balanced opinion... and for doing this (along with all the others that have done the same) I get called a 'MORON'. If you hadn't noticed Ian, you don't know everything on the subject, otherwise you would have written an irrefutable article on GW, and we'd all be driving Prius's!
I'll stand by for more insults and 'drivel'... I'll reply once you grow up.