The trouble with GW/CC is that it is possibly true and possibly false, but the possibly true faction have a huge incentive for getting us to believe it.
Just as, a few years ago, the medical scientists had a huge incentive to get us to believe that AIDS was poised to kill off 50% of the world's population within a couple of years.
That incentive is, of course, huge funding from government and institution and it is reported that AIDS research at one time absorbed over half of all monies put into medical research.
The scientific community is even more vicious than karters in putting down those who propose new or different theories. The proposers of the 'Continental Drift' theories spent years in the wilderness, unable even to get to speak at conferences and ridiculed for their wild imaginings, only now they are accepted as the truth.
There are all sorts of anomalies in the data and all sorts of variable behaviour. For example, there is the claim that a one degree rise in sea temperature will kill off all coral, yet in the Red Sea some 10 degrees above the temperature of the Indian Ocean, coral thrives. Scientists are investigating, after all, what's not to like, being paid for diving in the tourist centres of the world.
The real solution may be much less palatable. The forecast need for energy and the infrastructure for modern standards of living are not supportable when extended to teh 6 billion mouths currentlyt here or the 7 billion by 2020. For example, 90% of all air travel is people going on holiday, and air travel is a huge source of global polution. (In the three days following 9/11 the absence of aircraft induced pollution visibly reduced cloud cover and heat retention over the whole United States).
Absurdly, yesterday there were two ads on TV , one calling on us to cut down on car use, when a plane journey generates a years worth of car pollution, The other called for an increase in "ecotourism" to Borneo to support conservation efforts. Apparently the need is for people to visit, to become believers in conservation. (While I think the need is for people to become believers without the visit, thus leaving enough carbon footprint for karting).
The alternative to a substantial change in lifestyle is to reduce the population to around 3 billion, most effectively from those emerging countries who would generate the most footprint in catching up. Volunteers form a queue.