where ever you standing on the whole speeding debate, attacking a person can not be allowed.
A bike leaves plently of room to get past, would he have done the same to the driver of a tractor?
My biggest issue (more than the road rage) is the fact all those car drives just put on the blinkers and drove by - potentially leaving a man to die in the road for all they know.
Where is this world coming to if no-one will stop to help.
You will note it took another bike going the other way to turn around and come and help him. This is why I ride a bike - as a whole we stick together and help each other, if you breakdown or look like you are broken down other bikers will stop, or even turn around and come back if they are going the other way on say a dual carriage way, just to check if you are ok and if you need a hand. - Car drives as a whole do not. Their own journey or schedule is more important that life itself and I personal find it digusting and these people should be ashamed of their actions.