what the expenses reality check shows is the elected to serve...serve themselfs, which is worrying and costs us a few quid, what is more worrying is the same people have control of millions or billions of our money, nhs, olympics , pfi scheme, any major project etc
me or you will insist on a quote not a estimate when spending our money, time and time again big projects go over budget....but they in charge will not get the bailiffs knocking on their doors so keep signing cheques in our name, yes they could get sacked but doesnt affect their credit rating and can walk away from their mistakes, using our money and leaving us with the repayments...the expenses row should be an eye opener but some guy claiming to clean his moat is nothing to the power and money they spend in our name
and it is not just mps, my local A + E has decided to spent £27,000 per year to pay for a "roving smoking officer", his or her job is to patrol the outside grounds of the hospital and tell people they can not smoke.......outside, paying someone more than a nurse from nhs funds, even the most anti smoking people would question "could the money be better spent"