In some countries there exists a method of driver grading which could quite easily be implemented in any country. Right from the word go during driver training pupils/students/learners whichever term you prefer are taught all aspects of driving which is "signed off" in a Log Book,which ,when I was Instructing motorcyclists ,was put into consideration by the DSA (Driving Standards Agency) whether this is still an option i have no idea. This included elements including ,night driving ,skid pan training and driving in inclement weather conditions.
After the practical driving test is passed they are still required to display a Plate ( P plate in Ireland) to identify them as new drivers. They are limited to what roads they can use unaccompanied,i.e; no motorway driving unless accompanied, and other criteria.
In my opinion drivers should be limited by power output relative to experience,easy enough to police on bikes and should be no more difficult in cars. Addititionally if they receive ANY points within the first 2 years of driving a 6 month ban and extended driving test before licence is returned. May seem a little draconian but some ,mainly younger ,but I don't mean that to sound ageist against youth, seem to think " Test passed,that examiner reckons I am a good driver" - no he doesn't,he think's that they are at a level which attains the very bare minimum required to pass a test to drive vehicles on the road,and THEN learn to drive.
Speed limits are set for ALL the motorists so that they can ALL safely drive on the road, they can not alter at will to the different a / reflexes of a driver. b/ their experience (or lack of) c/ there ability to handle a vehicle at high speed etc etc it is an umbrella safety speed limit for everyone.
I have ridden bikes and driven cars at high speed around many ,many circuits and consider myself a good rider and driver. I have never in 33 years of holding a UK drivers licence EVER had a single point for anything nor have I had any RTA's. I have quite literally seen people pass me at breakneck speed and said to myself "there's an accident waiting to happen" and on 2 occasions seen the result of their driving further down the road.
Speed limits are there for a reason and a damn good one as well,and as a final thought as i finish my moan,I will leave you with something I always instilled upon my trainees. " A speed limit is just that, it is a limit which you are not to go beyond, it isn't a TARGET. If you don't feel safe at 70 because of lack of experience or confidence, whatever, slow down and let people behind you pass when it is safe for THEM to do so."