can you move this to the rant area please. Or try READING again!!
An additional charge for broadband use will be proposed by ministers today as part of a plan to stamp out music and film piracy.
Lord Carter of Barnes, the Communications Minister, will propose the creation of a quango, paid for by a charge that could amount to £20 a year per broadband connection. The idea will be at the heart of the Digital Britain Green Paper to be unveiled by ministers, which includes plans to create jobs by boosting broadband take-up.
The agency would act as a broker between music and film companies and internet service providers (ISPs). It would provide data about serial copyright-breakers to music and film companies if they obtained a court order. It would be paid for by a levy on ISPs, who inevitably would pass the cost on to consumers.
Lord Carter is expected to propose that every house has a legal right to broadband, most likely at the standard 2 megabit speed. There will also be measures to stimulate spending on both fixed and mobile broadband technology, which it is hoped will form part of a broader programme to create 100,000 jobs in “sunrise industries”.
the Government will own the next generation network. Whose going to pay for that? all the people who have been sucking too much bandwidth, takes a lot of bandwidth to download movies and music. It's because of illegal downloads that we have to put prices up and find better technologies to keep the junkies happy!
content is King, Bandwidth is King
.......I suppose you said that one too did you Ian! pffft!
BT can't afford to put fibre in the ground. 21CN will probably never happen! Heard of 21CN anyone??
FTTH means 100 meg a second.
it's what Obama has pledged too!!
but, if you suck the bandwidth, you're gonna have to start paying for it!!
i'll give you a side topic too:
when's this forum going to be upgraded?