Kids cover your eyes !
The 7 dwarves are having a weekend in Rome and on the Sunday request an audience with the Pope.
Grumpy is ushered to the front and ask's the Pope " erm, your Holiness, do you have any dwarf Nuns in Rome?"- "No" replies the Pope.
The dwarves chat amongst themselves and grumpy asks "Do you have any in Europe?" - "No" he replies again.
The other Dwarves start to chuckle and grumpy starts to panic a bit "OK then what about the World you must have a Dwarf Nun somewhere" he enquires. The Pope sit's deep in thought for a minute "No I'm sorry I can't think of any " he finally repies.
Grumpy lets out a sigh as the other 6 dwarves roll on the floor laughing and singing..........
" Grumpy S...ged a Penguin, Grumpy S...ged a Penguin, Grumpy S...ged a Penguin..........."