No one ever claimed the tree ring data was perfectly accurate and on it own was absolute proof. Many other scientists have used a multitude of markers, other than tree rings, that produce graphs that consistently match up with the ‘hockey stick’. When data collected using a variety of methods by scientists in differing fields consistently shows the same pattern you have to draw the same conclusion.
Just because a small amount of data falls outside the range of the majority of data, that does not disprove the ‘hockey stick’ and this is a normal occurrence in the scientific method. The latching onto a single piece of data that does not fit the vast majority of data is what creationists use to disprove evolution. Ignoring all of the most likely explanations and focusing on the least probable scenario is what extraterrestrial UFO believers do.
These people use the ‘reverse scientific method, they determine what they want to happen, throw out all the data that doesn't fit their conclusion, and then hail their findings as the only possible conclusion.