'Similarly, no would (should) claim PROOF of Global Warming. All we can EVER show is EVIDENCE!'
Not what I stated Ian. I said is there evidence of MAN MADE global warming. I would LOVE to see proof or evidence that suggests that once the earths oil reserves have dried up, that our atmosphere will be irreperable.
Can the sea not soak up our co2 output?
Whilst I do not know enough on the subject to properly comment, I can't possibly take this co2 global warming cr*p seriously when the government allow less polluting fuels such as diesel to cost more than petrol and thus less attractive than petrols. I then that cars only attribute 2% to the UK's CO2 emissions!! For heavens sake, apparently the average human being outputs over 500kg's of co2 every year in the UK... how long till we're taxed on that!?!
I 100% agree on cutting our use of fossil fuels, but too use global warming as the reason is ridiculous.