how many times!?
how many times have I said:
"these are interesting theories worthy of investigation!"
"As those of us close to the topic realize, the global warming and climate change debate has resulted in gridlock on a number of fronts. My personal belief is that our Earth is entering a period of climate change or climate chaos which is likely to persist. Not only do I believe this trend will persist but I am almost certain that our generation will bear witness to natural events of a scale and intensity never before experienced is recorded history. When this abrupt and catastrophic shift is complete the face of our planet and our civilization will be forever changed.
Some view this line of thinking as ‘alarmist’ or ‘catastrophist’ but it is not. One must only peak into our past to understand our future. Earth’s history tells a story of constant change. Ice Ages, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Droughts, Mega-Floods and Super-Storms have remained constant. My personal journey towards understanding has placed me in the unfortunate position of drawing my own conclusions on many things. Mankind does not know what our future holds, nor do they understand exactly why, when or how this climate change event will play out.
While some camps are convinced man is the cause of this growing chaos I am not so sure. When you sift through the rhetoric you realize that all of the experts and activists still do not know enough. They pretend that they do…but they do not. While science deals in probabilities and they have reached a quasi-consensus about global warming it is far from the ideal foundation from which to implement policy either globally or regionally. Yes, curbing CO2 emissions and developing alternative energies is critical but there are elusive and enigmatic forces working that must be identified, studied and understood for a realistic solution to become viable. We are far from pat's on the back and a job well done.
Don't even get me started on our global leadership. Is it 2008 yet? Talk about ill-timed incompetence
I will personally use this topic to present what news and data I find pertinent to topics relating to climate change. I invite you to do the same. The natural disasters I mentioned at the beginning of this post have one thing in common-- they have all been scientifically proven to be influenced by climate change.
In addition to news related to climate change and global warming I hope this topic will provoke new ideas and open discussion about every area of this phenomenon we call climate change. I challenge those with narrow perspectives to open their minds in the name of progress, understanding and hope.
Just don’t expect the same from me.
Scientist: Inject Sulfur into Air to Battle Global Warming
Heat converts Bush ally Robertson on global warming
Catastrophic 'lake burst' chills climate
Faster westerlies threaten Antarctica
Climate change could cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, scientists say
Ice Sheets and Rising Seas
Disinformation? You want it, IREA’s got it"