thanks tmoon for the links, perfect!
this bit especially!
"Just how much influence the sun has on global temperatures has been the subject of sometimes acrimonious debate. While an upswing in solar activity may cause a warming trend, it was discounted in the mid-1990s as the sole driver of current climate change. And for anyone hoping that a solar downswing might bail us out of our current dilemma: Solar influence on climate is slight compared to the impact of man-made greenhouse gases, a National Academy of Sciences report concluded in 1995.
The planet’s climate is a messy picture, with all sorts of influences and feedback cycles that need to be taken into account. In order to build more accurate computer models, scientists need to understand both anthropogenic factors and the link between the sun and our planet, Tapping says. To help get at the sun’s influence, he and other researchers connect Earth’s temperature with historic sunspot records of sky watchers from Europe and China, as well as with carbon-14 isotopes—residue from cosmic rays delivered by the sun’s magnetic field—found in tree rings. To understand our role in climate change,” he says, “we need to understand the natural process.”
it's about time that mainstream scientists are investigating properly the effects man has on the climate but more importantly; the Sun!
we ADD to the greenhouse effect, until someone can prove how much I am on the side of us NOT causing global warming!
pretty damn simple really! you got that Alf-Victor-Bouquet
I'm not replying to your last drivel as you misrepresented my explanation or just plain didn't get it!
this picture should help!