of trying to source the best T'V for my little brother. He has an £800 budget and wants a 40" LCD mainly for gaming but also for watching DVD's on. I must say it's a flaming minefield out there, there are so many different models, makes, sizes and types that it sends your head spinning after a while. You can't just walk in and look for the best picture on display because you don't know if the shop has set the T'V up correctly on it and you have to consider whether the source is HD or not. A HD source on a HD T'V can look great but switch it to standard source and it can look very different.
I've told my brother to not buy anything until I've educated myself to semi-pro level in LCD and Plasma screen technology ; )
You could make it easier for yourself and just pay an extra £3,000 or whatever and buy the latest Sony's with the OLED technology, I haven't seen them yet but they are supposed to blow the LCD and Plasma's screens out of the water.