After Immigration Services/Border control vans arrived to expel my Chinese neighbours who have worked and lived her for over 10yrs on "temp" work visas,I spoke with one of the officers and my other neighbours asked them why they were expelling them after such a long time and wouldn't they be better employed controlling the current influx via Calais . He replied they had failed with their applications !!!and were being sent back to China yet there are 1000's they dont know the whereabouts of but my neighbours had a permanent address and reported as required so knew where to find them....
BBC news last night,a young "illegal" gets to England over the weekend,he has travelled via Scicily,Italy and France even on trains without paying the ITALIANS and FRENCH railway staff are turning a blind eye so as they can get to ENGLAND via Calais, IAN fact he said it. He was yesterday given £90 initial hardship payment ,will get £35 a week "pocket" money as charities are helping him with food etc and "FREE" all found accomodation in Peterborough. He is going to learn ENGLISH,get a job and then bring the rest of his family over. He has more in his pocket than most pensioners who who have worked all their lives and payed all their taxes while young ENGLISH people on the Housing register in Peterborough cant get a start on the property ladder, plus landlords are helping ghettoise areas . Currently a basic STATE Pension after working 50 plus years is £596 a month but you have to pay all your bills ,so any savings are diluting monthly then we will become burdens on the State as a pension is now retitled Old Age Benefit.. By the way, people legally arriving in the UK are being EBOLA checked at airports coming home from abroad especially AFRICA, these people are NOT and basically could be seriously ill,have a disease,terrorists,criminals etc ,they dump their papers or send them on to an accomodation address until they get here so we havn't a clue about them. It aint working,unlike me at 68 having to again,cant get any benefits I would be better off going to Calais then coming back as an illegal !!!