Todays news story confirms what I said in my original post. Greece have been allowed further debt draw downs simply to pay interest on the debts they can never repay back to their European creditors.
And what other country is stupid enough to be in the situation where it is borrowing money just to pay the interest on it's debt - none other than the UK.
Of course our interest payments stand around £45bn were as good old George is still borrowing £100bn. ie he's still making the whole bigger never mind the interest.
But don't worry there are two outcomes to all of this intended shenanigary for both Greece and UK.
1) First the creditors (the banking cartel, the appointed makers of money) take possesion of the assets our hard grafted tax payments have built. eg the roads, the hospitals, the water, the power, the oil, oops silly me of course they have already been given the last three.
2) Then having acquired our assets they manipulate the economic data and claim we are entering a period of Hyper inflation which can only be managed by putting interest rates up to 20%. This in turn does create rampant price inflation which makes the debt suddenly seem insignificant relative to the new increased but devalued size of the economy.
So you read it hear first what's going to happen. How do I know this? Simple it's the same trick they have been playing since the American revolution.
Let's just hope they don't finance a few additional world wars just for good measure and a bit of sick fun. All depends how many 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 they feel they need on the end of their bank balance.
On the subject of MP's when they start to represent their constituants I have no problem them having at least a salary equal to what a lot of people seem to spend per year on karting to achieve very little. ie £100-120k (pre tax of course)
Whilst they are all FOI I would give them nothing.