So Greece has been awarded a new bailout covering three years.
Funny that the amount offered is roughly equivalent to the amount of interest Greece has to pay on it's debt to it's European creditor countries over the next three years, plus some of what it owes for military hardware to France, Germany and USA.
Basically they haven't been able to resolve anything and kicked the problem into the long grass for 3 more years.
Now we see no matter what the Euro project will not be allowed to fail nor can member countries get out of it. I really think Greece fancied snuggling up to Russia or China but the elites of the European project couldn't stomach that.
This means Greece has to run a balanced budget from now. But hey that's a good idea because if the lenders realised we could live with out them then they would have to look for another planet full of mugs to set up camp in.
What say we ask our chancellor to stop borrowing £100bn a year to fund our budget deficits and balance the books with immediate effect rather than waiting another 5 years. Remember he promised it by 2015 but it didn't happen then and it won't happen in the future either whilst ever our politicians are in the pay of the money lenders.