That's all true..... but you miss the point. When I was Michael's (and your) age, I had B*GG*R all just like YOU TWO!
Like Michael (and you) I was that age in a recession, as well.
I worked hard, took chances, was (absolutely LITERALLY) 20 minutes away from certain bankrupcy at the age of 35ish (when I got SERIOUSLY LUCKY!).
During the depths of one of the previous recessions, I was the sole wage earner as the wife was bringing up the kids! At that time, my house-mortgage payments were £2000 PER MONTH! Try that on for size.... and that was TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO when 2000 was a HUGE sum..... and... in the middle of that, I was OUT OF WORK......!
I am NOT complaining or asking for sympathy. The POINT I am making is that, for all intents and purposes, I looked EXACTLY like Michael (and you) at YOUR age. In truth, we had a LOT less that YOU two do at YOUR age.....
My point is that, no matter how nasty it is NOW, you can STILL get out of it IF you knuckle down, take the knocks, avoid WHINING: 'It's not fair.... it's harder for us.....', keep working at it, take a few chances, spot the holes in the market and GO FOR IT! By the time you are 60... YOU will/can/could-have the same as me.
My generation BELIEVE you can DO it.... it's time you lot realised it and STOPPED WHINING.... Yes... it IS hard..... as it ALWAYS HAS BEEN! You ain't no different to us!
I must admit.... I can't remember having a Formula Vee to race at YOUR stage in life..... I couldn't even afford Karting when that was CHEAP...!
Go For It James and Michael... you WILL make it! If you rely on Govt.s to save you.... YOU ARE DEAD!