The danger in lead comes from handling it. Most people won't get lead to the temperature where it releases significant amounts of vapour (boiling rather than melted.
Wear gloves and be especially careful not to get the lead anywhere near your mouth. Don't eat while dealing with lead. Especially, don't file or saw the lead, getting any of the particles inside you can do a lot of damage before they get out of the body. (High blood pressure, kidney and liver damage, chronic fatigue etc....look up lead poisoning)
The best medium for moulding lead is damp sand. If you mix in a bit of clay so it sticks together that is better. If you squeeze it and it holds together it is damp enough. If it is too wet, especially visible water, it will bubble and spit when you pour in the lead. You can take a mould of an existing weight....or just stick a broomstick into the sand. If you want to mould in a shape, make the shape in expanded polystrene boad, bury it in the sand and just pour in the lead. it will melt the poly and reproduce the shape in lead.
Always wear a face mask when pouring hot lead. If you drop some on wet ground, especially wet concrete, it will explode. I have a visor with lead scalds right across the face from lead spilt on damp concrete