David.... give an example of such sports so I have a starting point. I could start with tidfdly winks of Horse Riding and they are VASTLY different!
Assuming you want me to coinsider a lower death rate.... doesn't that imply that you TOO find the 237 to be tto high and UNNACCEPTABLE. If not What leverl of daeth WOULD be unnacceptable to you.... 2370? Howwver, for me, it's NOT the history that matters. If those 237 were the LAST deaths, then the race would have a justification to continue. Do YOU think that the will NOT be a 238th this year......?
If the death rate fell to an equivalent of OTHER sports (even risky sports, such as horse-riding) then I'd have less reason to want to see it banned. However... at 2 per year on average that STILL continues with a VERY low entry in a VERY short duration (two weeks?), then it is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE! Find me an equivalent death-rate in other UK sports (let's not consider third world sports in this.....) and I'll be happy to give you a similar figures of acceptability. How about quoting me the death rate per person/day from a three-day-event horse-meeting.... or the death rate of Jockeys in the Grand National? Those two are pretty lethal sports in this country.
I simply don't understand your Max Mosely point. I can't detect your 'objection' at all.