Yeah.... I now TOTALLY see your position. Preventing F1 racers from dying is 'good', and preventing deaths in all the other classes of racing, as we have been trying to do for the last 50 years, is also 'good'. Helping to save horses from dying in a race is 'good'.... in fact, ALL attempts to help save lives like this are 'good'....
..... except for motorcycle racers... who.... if you try to save THEM, cretins and imbeciles will tell you we are 'wrapping them in cotton wool'.....
For those who think I am wrong, I will probably need to explain the role of 'sarcasm' to you as well, so.... you'll not understand THAT, either!
Those of you who think the IOM TT should continue to kill 2 riders on everage a year for the last ONE HUNDRED YEARS can persuade me of your views REALLY easily.... all you have to do is explain how it's a GOOD thing that safety changes have progressively kept F1 drivers alive by improving safety over the years but, on the other hand, it's a BAD thing to try to save the lives of the... slightly LESS intelligent.... motorcycle brigade!
Now, just to save time, let me explain what WON'T work as an explanation:-
1) "It's their choice"....
Why not? Because it used to be F1 driver's choice, too, but that did NOT prevent safety improving.
2) "The excitement is higher when there are risks to watch".... Why not? Because it used to be the same in F1, too, but that did NOT prevent safety improving.
3) "The riders get more THRILL from taking risks"....
Why not? Because F1 driver used to get more 'thrill', too, but that did NOT prevent safety improving.
4) Etc.
You get the idea....? If I can show that EXACTLY the same argument USED to apply to F1 (and every OTHER class of motorsport).... but that argument didn't prevent THAT class from changing.... then your point will NOT be 'valid'! So.... BEFORE you post an answer to my question, just CHECK to see if I can say... 'That ALSO used to apply to F1 but it did NOT prevent F1 from applying better safety rules'. If I can say that..... don't waste your time POSTING it!
One final question to you 'Pro-IOM-TT' brigade..... Would YOU enter or let your CHILDREN enter the LGM series or even the TKM festival (etc.) if you KNEW that 2 karters on average had died at LGM or TKM festival EVERY YEAR$ for the past ONE HUNDRED YEARS?
Don't make me laugh! You KNOW you wouldn't!