Again, I'm with you 100%.
I want us ALL to 'move down one class of car'. Thus, I'd find a RFT level that would make the Chelsea tractor brigade move from that to a (let's guess) a 3 series BMW. I'd get those on 3 szeries to move to 1 series, those in 1 series to move to a Mini. Obviously, I do not need people to move into THOSE specific acrs but it's the PRINCIPLE. Obviously it should be set at a level to get ME out of my Impreza, too: I am NOT expecting favoured treatment!
We need to set the RFT for C.Tractors to make the owner want to move from them! Whatever the level of RFT (or fuel duty) that's needed to make people DROP the C. Tractor.... that's what we should DO!
Out of interest, I spent a lot of time in the South of France last year, around Nice, Cap Ferrat (however you spell it!) and Monaco. I was surprised to notice how MUCH smaller the French cars were. I was expecting to see Rolls, Astons, Porsches and TONS of Mercs and BMWs. What I saw was HORDES for small Peugeots, Minis, Renauts, SEATS, Fiats etc. and one or TWO supercars. I saw loads of C Tractors BUT they were ALL British Registered and were clearly on vacation down there.
Obviously, something the French do reduces the numbers of of Road Monsters. I was told that it was becasue there were so few 'company cars' in France and NO ONE with an ounce of IQ would spend BIG money on rapidly depreciating Luxo-Barge.... but they would be happy if their EMPLOYERS did!
Whatever the French do, it seems to WORK and we should consider copying them!