Yup, I knoew about the Irish system but I want something MUCH more effective on nthe top-end cars.
If you buy a car that may depreciate by £20,000 per year (e.g., Jaguar, Porsche, Merc, BMW, etc...) then a road fund tax of £1,000 is a mere DROP inn the OCEAN of running costs. If you buy a Veyron, Enzo (or whatever), Paganni etc. which may even GO UP in value, then £10,000 RFT will hardly 'scare you'.
Out of interest, Car magazine calculated the running cost of the 'average' (!) Veyron to be IN EXCESS of £120,000 in the first 3 years including 5 sets of tyres and one set of WHEELS.... which are a 'service item'..... Thus it may need an RFT of WELL North of £50,000 per annum to have the desired effect!