Davy... Your comments are not contentious as far as I can see but, I am simply asking to ramp UP the pressure to change vehicles to less wasteful ones.
It seems that we agree in principle and that our only difference is that I want it to happen FASTER and more deeply!
If we develop more efficient vehicles, WE will be in a position to sell those to other countries when they EVENTUALLY reach the same conclusions as you and I.
There IS strong argument to make the price-hike on something like Road Fund Tax rather than on fuel because, if we put it on fuel, then those in rural loactions are unreasonable punished. To give the same effect, I'd raise RFT for Imprezas and the like to.... (let's guess) £1,000 pa. That would raise it for Range Rovers and BMW X5s etc. to £5000 pa and Bugatti Veyrons to £20,000 pa. The concept would be that the LESS efficient your car and the MORE waste-of-space that the car is, then the more RFT you'd have to pay. Don't hold me to those EXACT figures, it's just the principle I am arguing about.
Would £1,000 pa RFT make ME consider changing from the Impreza to something more efficient..... YOU BET it would! Would £5000 pa make Range Rover (TW*TS) change their car? Probably..... Would £20,000 pa make Veyron owners change...? Perhaps not..... then let's make it £50,000 pa......! And so on!
However, one of your main assumptions is wrong: apparanetly, most fuel is NOT used in vehicles but in HEATING! I'd thus increase the pressure for us to insulate better and to use more efficient heating methods, as well!