No.... I quite LIKE beardy Branson. He's not the saint some people would have us believe but, as far as I know, he hasn't done 5% of what Murdoch appears to be accused.
Impreza: Yes. Caterham: No! Possibly getting back into a REAL Lotus 7 (went to see it yesterday): YES! and I DEFINITELY have an Elise. I thought a Robin Hood was an ashtray for Sieras.... While all the rest of you still burn fuel as though it's not going out of style, I'll do the same.... BUT..... I STILL ask the Govt. to R*A*I*S*E fuel taxes and RAISE Road Fund Tax for gas guzzlers (INCLUDING FOR MY IMPREZA)..... As I get 45mpg driving the Elise HARD.... I can't see that as VERY poluting..... I am, thus, for us A*L*L 'saving fuel' at once...... not the 'beardy types' being good 'planet savers' while the scum of the earth continuing to polute in joke 4x4s!
Even though I am a conservative, I am for spreading the 'pain' evenly!
IC motors are NOT all we have.... but the simple solution would be for us ALL to drop by a 'car size' each. Those of us with Imprezas should drop to (I don't know..... ) Renault Meganes. Porsche drivers to Mazda MX5s, Jaguar XFs to Lexus I200s, Range Rovers to .... garden sheds with pram wheels.... Ford Fiestas to Dinky toys (or is that a 'step up'....?). I've not yet met ANYONE who couldn't down-size their car with ZERO loss.