That's odd, David..... as the program (about 2 years ago) filmed at Mercs said that's EXACTLY what they were doing........ recharging from fuel burned, not the kinetic energy duing overrun.
Secondly, if the re-charging of the KERS did occur "instantaniously" as you state, then it would hardly use the MASSIVE extra quantities of fuel you are suggesting.
Thirdly, if they were JUST using the engine as a pump, it would hardly count as 'hot' blown....
Fourthly..... the comments last week about blown diffusers, by Charlie, Colles and Williams all mentioned igniting fuel injected into the exhaust........
Fifthly, most teams would happily forego fuel used for speed in exhange for fuel available for downforce and thus GRIP!
I stress, I am NOT an expert on this stuff but at least I've read a little about it. I may be wrong, but for the best possible reasons! I stand to be corrected!