Be fair guys..... we don't give a DAMN what you think...... we got 'voted in' and you can't touch us for at least 4 years..... and you'll have forgotten EVERYTHING we say this week by the time you get to vote again!
You doubt me....?
How many of you are already forgetting it was LABOUR who GOT us into this SH*T?
In a discussion last night, I was able to point out that, during my WHOLE LIFE (58 years)..... it's been LABOUR who has B*A*N*K*R*U*P*T*E*D the country EVERY time they get into power and us Conservatives who have to go though the pain of getting us back ontp our feet again....... only to have the Labour party do it AGAIN tne NEXT time. Find a Labour Govt. since the war which HASN'T ended in financial DISASATER..... I couldn't!
Every time, the voter (tw*ts) forget who GOT us into this state...... it'll happen AGAIN, this time, too!