Gillard.... why won't you guys think these things THROUGH before you post?
"Easy money"....????
I see.... THAT's why the 'Govt.' has turned OFF the systems in many places becasue they were making TOO MUCH money from them, was it....? Wasn't it to SAVE COSTS....? Can you tell me HOW it 'saves money' if you turn OFF 'easy-money-making' systems.....?
I thought not....!
"Easy money"....????
How much EASIER would it have been to raise the Road Fund Tax by £10 to EVERY vehicle owner? That could have been done at a STROKE OF A PEN.... you can't get MUCH easier than THAT, can you? If they's rasied it by ONE POUND per car, they would have had MORE money in than they had in revenue-cost of the Gatsos.....!
All this stuff takes is TEN SECOND'S THOUGHT and you'll see what UTTER TRIPE this 'easy money' comment IS..... it's the sort of micro-brain concept 'thought up' (ha ha!) by the Sun/Mail/Clarkson CRETINS..... use you HEAD and THINK if it fits the EVIDENCE...... it does NOT!
You are NOT thick enough to believe this garbage! Don't repeat it!
If you can tell me HOW turning off 'money-making' Gatsos can 'save money', I'll discuss this further with you!