Errrr..... YES!
One 'magic wand' that would have those 2 combined effects would be to BAN the TT!
Voila.... no TT deaths, no TT Watchers!
When Formula 1 was ALMOST as lethal as TT, we refused to accept it and CHANGED THE RULES! If the cars needed changing.... that was done. If the TRACKS were the lethal part, they were changed ...... or were dropped.....
The TT organisers have done neither of these things to any level which has substantially REDUCED the death rate..... and at LEAST one rider will, once again DIE in 2011 on the TT.
Would YOU tolerate that if you KNEW that 1 driver would die in at the 2011 TKM Festival...... because the 100 year AVERAGE death rate for the Festival had been 1.something....?
Just say so if you would!