You have said you are not racist and you don't mind immigration You have also said that foreigners should abide by our laws. I feel that this sounds easier to say than do. So I have a conundrum with two questions for you to ponder.
Imagine you are the prime minister and you have to make the decisions. Now imagine that there are no foreigners in the country. We have laws to protect people but we try as much as possible to allow people individual freedoms. One of these freedoms is we allow religious freedom. So you can be Catholic, C of E, pagan, atheist etc.
Now there is a knock at the border door and a foreigner says he likes our country and wants to come in. You don't mind immigration so you let him in, providing he lives under our rules. So the first question is, because our rules say he is free to worship however he chooses, can he build a mosque?
Then one day something happens that you didn't expect. Some other country is short of doctors and makes it known that they will pay huge amounts for doctors. Many of our doctors leave to pastures new. You try to entice them back with more money but they won't come back. You have to do something because many people are dying because of the lack of doctors. You get another knock at the border door and it is 20 doctors. You of course let them in and tell them the rules of the land. And they say, “one of your rules is we have to wear a crash helmet to ride a motor bike, and it is against our religion”. “If you don't allow us to not wear crash helmets we are not staying”.
The second question is, what would you do?