will keep this long
1. raised some issues with posts that maybe needed looking at from a legal side
2. went down the correct route ie contacted the site owners and made it very clear i had, what the email contained and the issues raised
3. posted that the site had listened to issues raised and acted, other posters now know they can raise issues and if needed actions will be taken
all the way through this "stereotypes” have used against me by people that don’t know me which ended in one poster “wishing he had a baseball bat” and comparing me to “Mugabe's right hand man.” It is a “public forum”..1st word is a clue, which is why I have tried to kept this to a debate about the site not egos but can not control other posts What maybe needs addressing is the rights of members to raise issues………without taking the poor abuse I did, mail@karting.co.uk is the email address and they will make choices