Ok David and Davy....
You think the speed restrictor IS 'practical'.... I don't. However, I notice neither of you have PRODUCED one of these magnificent devices..... or even a DESIGN for one!
BUT.... let's move on from that point to the THIRD 'hurdle'. Estimate the COSTS of building one that will work for ALL powered vehicles including HyBrids, Diesels, Petrol, 2 Stroke (for bikes), BioGas, LPG. One that works for modern hi-tech engines and Ford Cortinas, etc.. Now estimate how each will be fitted, then estimate the cost of CHECKING each year that they still operate and so on..... Then tell us who is going to PAY for them....
Ohhhh..... hang on.... we've forgoten the cost of the OTHER part of your idea..... somehow, the cars need to 'know' where they are so that they KNOW the speed limit IN that area. How are you planning to do THAT part?...... and how much EXTRA would THAT cost!
Then include all the product testing costs and insurances required on something which TAKES CONTROL of your car and WILL be blamed for EVERYTHING that goes wrong with it...
As a threshold, the identity card was scrapped when it became obvious it was going to cost each man-woman-child THREE HUNDRED QUID! We can thus be sure that your device MUST cost less than that or it'll go the same way..... I think that's a pretty tight budget!
The Cameras ARE self-financing.... that's what makes them SO clever! They do make a SLIGHT 'profit' but what MATTERS is that they ONLY cost those who are CAUGHT SPEEDING! That, in itself is the BRILLIANT part!
Your device will cost EVERYONE including my little-old-lady Mother who hasn't speeded for 40 years! Tell me HOW your going to SELL that to the British Tax Paying VOTER!
If you can.... as I have said MANY times, I'll invest with YOU on this!
How is my position SO unfair when I'll put MY money into the scheme if you can show me it WILL work...? All I am asking you to do is to be REALISTIC...... and you are NOT being so!