id consider myself a very caring person, i marshal about 30 weekends of the year at rallies, circuits, hillclimbs and kart events, and race karts, do i watch the TT? YES, does that mean i dont care about riders lives, and by watching the TT am i contributing to their death? NO! motorsport or the TT a blood sport? OF COURSE NOT!!!.....motorsport is dangerous, we compete or spectate because we love the sport, unfortunately injury and death is still a part of it, we can improve safety for ever more, but there will always be accidents. ive dealt with 3 fatalities on track in my 8 years of marshalling, all of which were freak accidents, all of which had brilliant safety precautions and equiptment...MOTORSPORT IS DANGEROUS...., ive also been involved in ski racing and horse eventing when i was younger and people die....its part of any that human sacrifice for our enjoyment NO!!!!!...nobody enjoys or wants to see people die, but it happens, thats sport for you.