My point of doing this is to show you how MUCH of your SUPPORT for this race is what keeps it GOING!
Without the support, then the IoM would NOT allow it! They support it becasue it brings in MONEY! They are NOT doing it for altruistic reasons.... they want the INCOME!
So long as you lot who DO support it know EXACTLY what you are supporting and are FULLY aware that WHAT you are supporting is no more VALID or MORALLY ACCEPTABLE than GLADIATORIAL COMBAT then it WILL continue and yet MORE children will be orphaned NEXT year and the year after that because we KNOW riders WILL die !
Just remember, your 'morals' in this are NO BETTER than those people who demanded that the Colliseum should be allowed to continue.... because...... as Vic so kindly put it....
"[The combatants] are all adults and they KNOW the risks"
Personally, I trust I am just SLIGHTLY more civilised than a crowd baying for a continuation of Gladiatorial combats! If you don't WANT to part of that crowd.... you know the answer!