Many (MOST) drivers WERE happy to race there! The situation was IDENTICAL to the TT.... Those who were NOT happy to race there, needn't..... just like MOST of the current GP riders REFUSE to race there!
At the time, we had LOTS of non-championship F1 races. We COULD have allowed Nurburgring and the others to CONTINUE.... it would have been EXACTLY like the TT.... the SANE F1 drivers needn't have attended and the '***' ones could have continued DYING for your 'viewing enjoyment.......
Funny that I never heard YOU call for that!
You are WRONG about Gladiators! Death was UNUSUAL.... there simply were not ENOUGH gladiators to lose 50% at EVERY event! Bceause that is the MINIMUM you would have killed if each 'bout' killed ONE of them! It was MUCH closer to the TT death rate than you think! The analogy is PERFECT.....
However, let me use YOUR argument....
"What the HELL is it to do with YOU if Gladiators WANT to fight to the death? Are you a member of the 'nanny state' brigade? If the public WANT to watch REAL men pit themselves in mortal combat and the fighters WANT to do it, then it's S*D ALL to do with YOU..... Back OFF, leave the Combat to US..... it was MUCH better in the old days with REAL MEN pitting themselves against fate and the gods..... blah, blah, blah...." and so on.....
You look at THAT argument in the same way that MANY of us look at YOUR argument for the TT....