Should formula 1 races have been BANNED from old Nurburgring, old Spa, Old Reims, etc., etc.,?
Should leather crash helmets have been banned from F1?
Should racing WITHOUT seat belts have been banned?
Now tell us WHY they should have been banned and why the TT should not!
Stop making this SO easy for mke!
This is about the FIFTEENTH time I've asked this question in the thread.....can't you SEE how BLATANT that makes your HOWLING INCONSISTENCY!????
Look CLOSELY at what I am asking and try to answer THAT question...... not one that you would have PREFERRED me to ask! I am NOT saying that the TT should be banned BECAUSE it's dangerous.... I am asking you why YOU think it should be ALLOWED to continue when we BANNED the OTHER I*N*S*A*N*E race-risks!
Let me paraphrase your previous postings which SHOULD illustrate the INSANITY of your 'call':
"Should Gladiatorial Combat be banned...... NEVER!"
All YOU two have to do is to support that LAST statement and you will have DESTROYED my argument about 'inconsistency'. Go on.... make my day.....!