Your argument is familiar, if DAFT.....
The crux, you stated clearly and I'll re-paste it, here:-
Quotation: "And so while the majority of the people of the Isle of Man continue to approve of the TT, while the drivers want to do it, then let them."
Ok.... so.... let me substitute a VERY small amount of your EXACT quote and we'll see if you STILL mean it.....
Adjusted Quotation:-
"And so while the majority of the people of the Isle of Man continue to approve of the Gladiatorial Combat to-the-death, while the fighters want to do it, then let them."
Now.... if your argument about 'free choice' IS valid in the first quotation, you siomply CANNOT FAIL to support the SECOND one.....
So.... now tell us that you WOULD endorse the second one......
.... and if not..... WHY not!
Be careful that your 'reasons' against supporting Gladiatorial Combat do NOT spill over to MY position on the TT.....
All I am asking you for is CONSISTENCY.... that's not TOO difficult, is it?