Trouble is though Dave, the same old poor buggers are getting taxed to death, to clobber them even more is grossly unfair.......what we need to do is make some headway with the `lost` society, ie those who left school and have never worked and are now classified as unemployable.......what a load of garbage that is, `unemployable`........anyone who is fit and able bodied can do SOMETHING, no requirements for rocket science degrees to clean the streets of rubbish and graffiti, or to do a job like order picking in warehouses, etc,etc, and until someone has the balls to stand up to the age 30 something society who have never worked and say.......`either you accept this position or you get NO benefits`, then the problem will simply continue.
I have no problem whatsoever with genuinely sick people receiving benefits, none at all, but this so called `lost` society, together with the 17 year old girls who deliberately get pregnant to be magically handed the keys to a nice fully furnished council flat with all utilities paid, sticks in my craw..........