BBC Radio 4 has a politically independent programme about Maths and Numbers. It's called More or Less.
It reviews the statistics and the figures published by all sorts of companies and businesses and governments.
Today, they started the program with the amount that we REALLY 'owe' as a country and broke it down to how much each HOUSEHOLD in the UK will owe on behalf of the Government by the end of this parliament....
The figure is:-
B*GG*ER ME.............!
I thought the amount we'd given to the banks was actualy pretty large..... it's NOT..... of the £90,000 we will owe, the money loaned to the banks is only about £100 per household..... Compared to the £90,000.... it's NOTHING!
Don't believe me, just go and listen to the program. It's clear and simple and does NOT need an understanding of mathematics to understand it..... it's so simple... even ***I*** have got the picture, now....
For your interest, they mention something called the PFI but they diodn't explain it fully:..... it's NOT a kart track!
It's the way in which Gordon borrowed money to build the hospitals and schools that he CLAIMED he'd paid for. He HASN'T..... he got companies to build them and promised to pay for them on, effectively, hire-purchase (leasing). Obviously, we HAVE to pay-back what we borrowed but the money Godron 'borrowed' under the PFI does NOT show in the Government's 'books'..... but we still owe it....... that money owed on the PFI schemes adds up to about £30,000 or the £90,000 we owe.......
Thanks Gordon....... and Trev..... and those who VOTED for those TOTAL SH*TS!
Please, can we simply CANCEL Gordon's pension and Tony's payouts until they have PAID their share........?