Thank you for the unasked for English lesson. Having read your definition of the word 'postscript' I can assure you I did write teehee and lol AFTER the text was written.
I must say my last post was written with tongue in cheek (or movable bit in mouth against soft bit on side of face, if you prefer). I do not really get annoyed by teehee or lol. Or, I should point out, people with a “limited knowledge of our language”. I would consider myself an idiot to be annoyed by such things.
I hope you can appreciate, because of my limited knowledge of our language, if there was any sort of irony intended in, “Glasshouses' and 'Stones' come to mind”, (which is more used than the original cliché it came from) then I would obviously not see it.
As for starting a political party. I believe I could compromise on your belief in speed cameras. Introducing more might at least produce more reliable evidence. However, I think I would fall below your 100% mark by refusing to accept any more blasphemy laws. Sorry, climate change legislation, as it is now called.
PS (I did not write this next bit first)
As you seem to pretentiously give free English lessons could you tell me what 'wsritten' means and under what circumstances should I use the word 'INSISTS', and not 'INSIST'?
Let him without sin...........
whether in a greenhouse or not.