.... you are claiming it's JUST a coincidence that you were in SIX accidents .... in a YEAR!....!!!!
One accident: coincidence.... two accidents: possibly a coincidence..... three accidents: .....errrrr..... FOUR accidents: ...oh... come ON now....! FIVE accidents: What the F***......???? S*I*X accidents:..... you are INVOLVED, here!
Whatever else, if you are NOT the 'cause' of the accidents.... then you have the WORST POSSIBLE judgement about choosing which cars to get INTO.....
Take a tip from me..... after SIX accidents..... if YOU think that the driver is safe to drive with...... then he is NOT!!!! Stay away from drivers/cars that YOU think you might be safe: your sense of judgment is simply APPALING!
.... and be aware that you have SURVIVED 6 accidents..... even a CAT only gets NINE chances..... If 6 took a year, 9 will arrive before the END of THIS year! Stay away from cars...... and stay away from ME! (tee hee!)